
Sunday, 28 September 2008


diz is the 3rd sms from her.how can i resist not to feel rindu and homesick??

Posted by zek at 7:50:00 pm 1 comments  

Salam Lebaran

Friday, 26 September 2008

currently am treating myself with the lagu rayas from my itunes library.i am now in da middle of my 10days holiday after the final exam.kind of bored right now coz got nothing to do.actually i got an assignment to be done and sent this tuesday, but dunno, dun have da feeling to do it.homesick kot..maybe la, a bit.sape x homesick when it`s only 5 more days to raya?i bet everyone in msia is already packing, getting ready to balik kampung right now n some may even have been goyang kaki at home.huhu..mmg skrg ni tgh cuti, tp yg tak best nya, cuti tu habis 30hb while raya will most probably be on the 1st oct.huaa..nk raya..this is my second raya in this land of sunrise, but it`s the first raya during class.dunno if i can concentrate in class that day.of course la cannot kn?dh la brg2 yg anta dr msia aritu x sampai2 lagi.kalau dh sampai, boleh la jugak masak sikit2, buat melepaskan gian nk mkn ketupat n rendang, though it certainly wont be as good as my mum`s.urmm..nk mkn sate gak, lemang, kek lapis, biskut2 etc...huaaa!!ckup2, x nk sebut lg.nnti lg homesick nnti.

mmm..di kesempatan ini, i wanna wish every muslims, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.May everyone enjoy their raya with family and friends, may everyone be happy on this raya.tak nak la raya sedih2.kpd mereka yg balik kampung tu, have a safe journey.biar lambat, asalkan selamat.kalau tak nak lambat, bertolak la awal2 kan?hehe..n ditengah2 kita gembira menyambut raya ni, jangan lupa pada mereka yg tak berkemampuan tu.hulurkan lah sumbangan jugak untuk diorang, kalau tak dapat banyak sikit pun jadi la, supaya kita bersama2 dapat berkongsi kegembiraan di hari raya ini.k, salam lebaran everyone!

Posted by zek at 11:19:00 am 0 comments  

bang long..

Sunday, 14 September 2008

you know, last night i got a sms from my family.i thought that it was from my father, but when i read through the whole text message, i knew that it was from my little sister.i didn`t believe myself at first, but yes, it is from my little sister.and you know how old she is?she`s almost seven years old.primary one this year.it was a simple message, asking how am i doing, what did i have for buka puasa etc..she also told me that she has learned how to perform solat.together with my 5 years old little brother.alhamdulillah..but, the part when she asked, "when r u coming home?", i really felt like crying.sedih coz i wont be coming home until at least for another one year.maybe more.that message really touched me.maybe it`s because that i`ve been really close with those two little sister and brother of mine.i dont really know why, maybe i`d been spending so much time taking care of them when they were smaller babies.maybe la.thus making them tend to be more close with me than my other siblings.huu..sori k lil sis.bang long wont be coming home this raya.if only could have holiday on dat day, i would certainly be coming home to celebrate raya with all of you.surely.but i couldn`t.dont really know what to say, but sabar la k?maybe next year, or the years after that, we can celebrate raya like we have had before.really miss being with u guys on hari raya.jgn nakal2 kat rumah, n make sure u n irfan help mum and dad with the preparations too, k?n also study elok2, dont malas2 belajar kat sekolah.and take good care of urself.love you n miss you so much...

here`s the real sms that i got.sorry it`s in bhs sarawak, but i think u can somehow understand it.
please let go bout the baku words and ejaan.she`s juz almost 7 ok.

"apa khabar bang long?bang long sihat kah?bang long dah sungkir kah?bang long makan apa?bang long pulang hari apa?bang long kamik dan irfan dah pandai sembahyang.kamik dah pandai sembahyang subuh dan maghrib.irfan pulak dah pandai sembahyang maghrib jak.kamik dan irfan dah pandai puasa."

Posted by zek at 10:34:00 pm 3 comments  

exam coming..

Sunday, 7 September 2008

ari ni dh seminggu dah kita puasa.cepat je rasa masa berlalu.pejam celik dah 7 hari puasa.23hari je lagi nak raya.hehe..tahun ni bez la jgk puasa kat sini.dah ada teman nk berbuka, dan sahur.tahun lepas sorang2 je sahur, berbuka.kadang2 pilu jugak rasa.bersyukur sgt2 bdak2 junior aku ni pilih nak datang sini.dpt la kitorang sama2 masak untuk berbuka.n raya nanti tak la aku keseorangan.serius sedih gler raya sorang.aku bersyukur sgt2 tahun ni.alhamdulillah..

next week aku stat exam.hr khamis.exm 2 minggu.hopefully aku bleh skor kali ni.nak tampung balik lobang2 yg byk giler time mid sem ari tu.memang ade subjek yg memang rasa mustahil untuk aku skor.tp aku kena cuba gak.kalau tak cuba tak tahu kan?

oh ye, kalau korang perasan, aku sekarang dah tulis mende ni pakai bm kan?sori la aku menyimpang dari tujuan asal buat blog ni, nk improve balik english aku.tp kan , sbb dah lama sgt dudok kat sini, dh lama gler tak pakai english, english aku dah turun gler2.skrg kalau aku nk tulis dalam english, memang ambik masa lama gler ah.tu yang kadang2 sampai malas nak update.so, nk jimatkn masa, aku switch ke bm.tp, maybe ada time kalau aku ada masa aku akan still try tulis gak dlm english.susah nanti kalau2 english aku nanti hilang macam tu jer.

k la.nk stadi la plak.nanti leka2 nanti x stadi plak.wish me luck for my exam k!

Posted by zek at 9:54:00 pm 4 comments